AAW - Animal Action Week
AAW stands for Animal Action Week
Here you will find, what does AAW stand for in Non-Profit Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Animal Action Week? Animal Action Week can be abbreviated as AAW What does AAW stand for? AAW stands for Animal Action Week. What does Animal Action Week mean? Animal action week is in your state or territory. It is due to kick off in Ely, Cardiff, from November 5. It is in its twelfth year and more than 750,000 students in 12 countries have participated. It is celebrated 3-9 October - but you can organize your own Animal Action Week celebration any time. It is coordinated by the Wildlife Trust of India. It is an international initiative that IFAW runs simultaneously in 18 countries. Plus, mark your calendar: animal action week is the first full week in October! Yours in education,.
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Alternative definitions of AAW
- Air-to- Air Weapon
- Advanced Attack Weapon
- Arts Awareness Week
- Aces Asylum World
- Active Aeroelastic Wing
- Adolph A. Weinman
- Adolph A. Weinman, sculptor and coin designer
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